As part of the PRP project it requires that 6 artifact are to be collected, these artifacts consist of collecting data that supports the research collected in the main document. This post will outline the first two Artifacts.
Artifact 1
The first Artefact conducted was an online survey; this was distributed over the Internet using an online survey tool. The sample size was 100 participant ranging from the ages of 15 to 50+. The aim was to see if online TV made it more convenient to view Television.
Artifact 2
To produce a study centred on the experiences of Internet Television viewing. The study will follow the experience of a 45-year-old women who as never viewed or used Internet catch up services.
The Study will last for 4 days in this time they will keep an on going diary of how they have found using catch up services. The study will have three conditions; the first one is that the participant will only watch TV through online catch up and no other means. Second, they will have to produce a dairy with of their time spent viewing online Television. Third, they have to spend two days watching Television programmes online using a Computer, then after that watch it when on a TV using a laptop and a VGA cable.
Day 1
I have never used the BBC iplayer before so I don’t really understand how it works. I am quite new to the whole internet thing. I managed to watch Eastenders that I missed the other day.
Day 2
I have just realised that on BBC iplayers as a guide that shows what programs have been played that day previous feature. I managed to have a look at the ITV one it completely different to the BBC service.
I finding it quite hard to view things on a computer. I don’t feel comfortable sat at a desk watching TV. I do prefer watching sat on my couch or in bed. I do see the appeal of this but I do fine it hard to navigate through he web pages, this could be due to the fact that I don’t use the Internet that often.
Day 3
I really enjoyed using the laptop being connected to the back of the TV. It was quite simple connecting it up. I have missed watching Television programmes on a Television. I am starting to get a little more confident using the catch up services.
Day 4
I feel a lot more confident now using the catch up services. Using it with the TV makes it more comfortable. It would be good to have it in with my TV so I could always catch up when ever I feel like it with out using the computer, The only problem I had was sometimes I had to wait for the video to load.