Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Script Extract

Gary notices a way in front of him there is a person a hood slowly walking towards them. He looks to Zoë but she is still talking.

yeah I think I remember him…
(She looks at him)
…What’s up?


They are then approached by the hooded figure. Gary puts his hand in his pocket. He is obviously holding something.

Hooded figure (The mugger from previously)

Got a light mate.

No I don’t smoke.

(In an aggressive tone.)
Do you mind if I use…

The mugger pulls his hood down Gary instantly realises who it is. He pulls out of his pocket revealing what it was he was hiding. Zoë shouts out seeing what Gary as just taking out of his pocket


I found a helpful website that had scripts from film on them. I used that as a source on how to structure my own srcipt. this is the websitewith the websites on. simplyscripts.com