Tuesday, 19 May 2009


This is the poster for my film doll face.I desided to keep it simple. I didnt want ot make the poster look too busy with lots of things going on. I didnt want to give to much about the film away to the audience. SO by only showing half of of the dolls face and a small droplet of blod under the text. I think this just reveals enough for th audience to understand that it as something to do with death or murder

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Feedback 2

After doing the last feedback I had taken into account the suggestion made and then shown the improvements to my seminar group. A few people made suggestions on how certain aspects could be changed. One point was made that the titles where a little too long. Also someone suggested adding lighting effects and music to create tension in the story.

Feedback 1

After showing a near full edit to some lecturers the other day, there were a few things they suggested. He said that there was not enough pace to the film and that some of shots could be shortened. Also because there was no voice for the Doll it was hard to get a sense of the story. Also with out the voice I myself could time the shots right so to show a fluid conversation between the two characters. They also suggested a new scene to be added to make the story flow and give the audience of a little more understanding of the character intentions.

Shooting Day

I decided to keep the crew quite small because the room we were shooting in was a little small so it would have been a little cramped with lots of people. So I kept it to just 2 people me as the director/cameraman and Danny Peachey on sound and Camera assistant.

Day One 06/03/2009

We started filming around 11 in the morning and filmed until 8pm. The went really well with very few mishaps. Later on there was a problem with one of the lights so we had to replace it before we could carry on so that knocked us back for a an hour. But apart from that we dad managed to get most of the film shot.

Day Two 09/03/2009

The filming went smooth because the scenes we had to shoot were quite simple we stated about 6 and was finished for around half 9. We had to shoot the scene with girl in the bed. The girl who did this was a good sport she didn’t mind having the sheet over her whilst we poured the fake blood onto it. We had a bit of a problem with it seeping through the sheet onto her T-shirt but it came off in the wash.

After packing and going home I realised I needed to some extra footage and some I forgot to shoot so this meant I had to arrange another shooting day. Which wasn’t to bad because I only needed to short that didn’t need any extra lighting.

Day Three 5/5/2009

This day only took around a hour to shoot because I only need on shot which wasn’t to0 bad because I only needed to need any extra lighting.

Day Four 12/05/2009

This was a new scene that a lecturer suggested that I added to the make the story progress and flow a little better. This scene was shot outside which posed a problem. Where to shoot? I didn’t want to shoot where it was busy or somewhere to quiet where there would be a possibility of have the equipment stolen. I decided to shoot on all saints street which I was the location of the film. I picked a very good day for shooting because there was minimal wind and it was a sunny day.