This project a feel went really well. The planning process of the whole project went really well. It started with us coming up with the idea of the chair taking one of us on a journey the university campus. Then we came up with the idea of the chair coming after one of us to take us back to work, because we are sat in the student union having a drink instead of going to a lecture. So the chair represents the guilt of not going to the lecture, so that’s why I ran away from the chair because I want to get away from the guilt of not going my lecture.
When we shot the piece we had to take the piece and edit it because there were some shots that we were not happy with and some section were the order needed to be re-organised. There is a problem with shooting a video sequence with a stills camera because there is no sound, so a sound track needs to be considered when editing it.
I think the shooting of this sequence went really well, but there were some aspects that I would change, such as when we were outside where the chair catches me and takes me through the doors of the waeverly building there are a few to may shots where my feet touch the floor this was something we did not pick up on when we finished shooting on the. I noticed this when it came editing. In a sense I think this error on my part could play to our advantage because it looks like I could actually
Be trying to stop the chair from taking me back to work.
Before we could transfer the pictures over to an editing facility we had to do a thing in Photoshop called batch processing were we had to edit the size of each photograph to a standard 720-576, which is a standard DVi PAL format? This represents the frame size of the picture.
For the final Edit I wanted to go for a silent movie style to the picture because its done on a stills camera there was no sound only a soundtrack and because sequence was quite sketchy and fast paced this reminded me of old silent movies that I have seen such “Fatty Arbuckle” and “Charlie Chaplin” because the camera capture frame rate is a lot less than modern day cameras they a are quite sketchy. I also got the idea of using title appearing in between scenes the set the scene from old silent movies because this was used to compensate for the complete lack of sound in film of the era. Whilst looking at old films I seen that some had dark edges, so I used this effect on my edit of the sequence.
When shooting this piece we wanted to use different camera angles because we thought it would be good to experiment. I we using different camera angles add to the style we were wanted to go for. We wanted to use humour as a tool to attract the audience to the movie. There is section where I running away from the camera and the it cuts to running towards the camera. I feel that this give the movie sequence depth and a feel of travelling a distance to escape the chair. There are also panning shots that follow the movement of the chair though out the sequence, an example of this is when the chair has got me and it takes me around a corner, the camera follows my movement on the chair.
For the audio of the final sequence I came across the song by accident, because it started playing when I was playing back the video. I decided to go for the Song ‘Inside” by slipknot. This isa metal song and I choose to use this because of the Reebook ad that i look at during research and planing. I thought this really suited the pace of the whole video the song seems to make it go even faster. Especially when the chairs catches me the lyric kick and its give a sort a aggressiveness to the chair as if it is mad at me for running away from. I also choose this song because the Intro last 45 seconds the exact time of my video so I thought using this song really fits in well and the timing of the audio and the video is done well and matches the actions on screen.
All in all I think this video is done quite well. It took me quite some time to get used editing the sequences and feel it is a trial and improvement process that will take a while but I feel quite confident that I know what to do and have basic skills that will improve over time. If I could do it again I would like to have a bit more time to shot the sequence again and may be have more fluentness to the sequence but with the time we had I feel it as come out quite successful.