Friday 28 November 2008

Practitioner Development

As Practition I find my idea come at different times of the day most of the day majority of my idea just before I fall asleep or in the showe. To develop these ideas I tend to watch other material that could be related to the subject and see how they have tackled it. I tend to watch a lot of films in general I like to look at the different camera angles and the composition of the shots.

Saturday 15 November 2008


Igloo Club

Boots Library


Golden Fleece

Monday 10 November 2008

Documentary idea

Title: Too Many Djs Not enough study

Chris James is a 4th year NTU student who is also the president of rave trent society. We want to find out how he manages to kope the pressures of his course and the demands of the society, bring an insight to why he does it

Wednesday 5 November 2008



We have decide on a idea when were in the SU when we thought all hope was gone.
We found a person who was the leader of the "Trent Rave" Society he his role is to organize the socials and the monthly Drum and Bass events for the members of the society and members of the student body. In the vdeo we want to show that the people behind the scenes dont get any credit

Working title
One Man Band

The Story

Chris is a student at Nottingham Trent he is also the president of the Trent Rave society. He organizes the socials and events that take place in the society. We want to follow him with his day-to-day life to see how he copes with his student work and the organization of the socials.

Idea 1

The idea for the original documentary was about how homeless people are helped by Volunteer workers to help them get back on their feet. We were hoping to get a Volunteer worker that works to help homeless people.

We managed to get a contact with an organisation called 58i these were a company that dealt with a local soup kitchen. We was close to filming with them but they never got back to me about the filming at the soup kitchen. In addition, at the time we were starting to loose confidence with the idea, we started to hit a bit of a dead end with the idea so we decided to scrap the idea and look for a new idea for our documentary.